I have many exchanges of postmail with other countries and cities. It has helped me to find new friends-collectors from all world. They are fine and kind people who help me to fill up my collection. In this section of a site you can see many of my friends  

Yuliya (Russia, Moscow)

Anna (Ukraine, Kiev)

Tamara, (Ukraine, Kiev)

Svetlana (Latvia, Riga)

Karin (Germany, Jessen)

Nicole (Germany, Hildesheim)

Natasha (Israel, Netanya)

Nataliya (Ukraine, Kiev)

Olga (Russia, Moscow)

Olga (Russia, Moscow)

Oksana (Russia, Moscow)

Yaroslav (Ukraine, Kiev)

Katerina (Russia, Novosibirsk)

Tatiana (Finland, Helsinki)

Valeria (Ukraine, Sevastopol'')

Christin (Deutschland, Stralsund)

Elena (Russia)


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